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JAH4WW and White Heart Foundation to Provide New Home for New Warrior: Cpl. Jed Morgan

On Monday, November 17, 2014, Jared Allen, Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors (JAH4WW), and the White Heart Foundation announced their recent collaboration effort to purchase, remodel, and donate a mortgage-free accessible home in Oregon to its newest injured war veteran, Marine Cpl. Jed Morgan and his family.

“It is the culmination of everything we work for at Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors. All of the events, galas, golf tournaments and fundraising leads to the day that we get to call our new beneficiaries and give them the news that we will be thanking them for their service and sacrifices by providing them with a functional place to call home. I am so thankful to our supporters who have a direct impact on our cause and more importantly on these soldiers’ lives, making our dream – to help our wounded war veterans – a reality. Thank you to Corporal Jedidiah Morgan, who put his life on the line for our freedom. I hope this home will help you to live your American dream.” – Jared Allen

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